Glow Plug Type F, O.S.

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O.S. - 71615009

Standard O.S. Type F Glow Plug for all 4 stroke glow engines.


• Standerd Type Glow Plug

How Glowplug Ignition Works

With a glowplug engine, ignition is initiated by the application of a 1.5-volt power source. When the battery is disconnected, the heat retained within the engine's combusion chamber remains sufficient to keep the engine running. Ignition timing is 'automatic': At higher rpm, the plug becomes hitter and, appropriately, fires the fuel/air charge earlier; at reduced rpm, the filament becames cooler and ignition is retarded.

Glowplug Life

Particuarly in the case of very high performance engines, glowplugs have to be regarded as consumable items. However, plug life can be lengthened and performance maintained as follows:

Fit a plug suitable for the engine.
Use fuel containing a moderate percentage of nitromethane unless essential for contest use.
Do not run the engine lean, or leave the plug connected while adjusting the needle-valve.
Use a fuel containing as low nitro as possible.

When to replace the Glowplug

Apart from when actually burned out, a plug may need to be replaced because it no longer delivers its best performance, such as when:
Filament coil has became distorted.
Filament surface has roughened while.
Foreign matter had adhered to filament or plug body has corroded.
Engine tends to cut out when idling.
Starting qualities deteriorate.
How to select a suitable glowplug in each category.

Type A3

  For R/C Aircraft
Running-in, Engines smaller than .32 capacity
Engine types: 25SF, 25FX, 10-40LA

  For R/C Helicopter
Running-in, Smaller than .32 capacity engines (for beginners)
Engine types: 32SX-H

  For R/C Cars
Running-in,For beginners (rich needle setting)
Engine types: 12/15CV and 15LD
Type No.8

  For R/C Aircraft
General purpose
Engine types: Most O.S. engines

  For R/C Helicopter
General purpose
Engine types: Most O.S. engines

  For R/C Cars
General use, 1/8 Off-road racing
Engine types: 12/15CV, 15LD, 21RG and 21RZ-V 01b
Type A5

  For R/C Aircraft
Larger than .60 capacity engines
Engine types: 61/91FX, 65LA,140RX, 160FX,BX-1, and BGX-1

  For R/C Helicopter
With higher nitro fuel, to reduce overheating
Engine types: All O.S. helicopter engines

  For R/C Cars
1/8 Off-road racing, 1/10 Circuit racing, 12 class GP touring racing
Engine types: 21RG, 21RZ-V01b, 12/15CV and 15LD, 12TR
Type R5
  For R/C Cars
1/10 and 1/8 Circuit racing
Engine types: 15RX and 21RZ-R
Type F
    Engine types: All Four-stroke engines
Engine types: 140RX-FI·
speed long